Thursdays at 7.30 p.m 

Spiritual Healing takes place every Thursday evening at 7.30 p.m throughout the year.  The only times when there isn't any, is on the odd Polling Day and between Christmas and New Year.

On your first visit for Spiritual Healing you will need to complete a Healing Record card.  It is a requirement by law and will be kept by us and treated as a confidential document. Please note that the recipient sits in a chair, fully clothed only removing glasses, hats and coats. Those with hearing aids often turn them off.

You may receive Spiritual Healing from either an 'Approved' healer or by a spiritual healer in training.  A trainee is simply a Spiritual Healer in training and in no way reflects a difference in healing ability from an Approved Healer;  all healers undergo a minimum of two years training.

We generally give Healing on a first come first served basis but before the actual Healing takes place, there will be a person reading our Centre Notices, reading from the Absent Healing Book, saying a healing prayer and we usually sing the Healing Hymn (no. 46 in our song book).  It is during the hymn that your donation for the healing will be collected.

Once the Service has been opened for Healing at an appropriate moment you can sit on a chair of one of the Healers.  Although all Healing is essentially the same, you may be drawn to a particular person.  This is a sign of resonance and is important because if you resonate with a person you are more likely to feel relaxed and therefore get more from the Healing.  So if you are drawn to a particular Healer and they are free you might choose to sit on their seat.  However, if you start to come to our Healing Service regularly, then you may choose to experience Healing from each healer because you may get something different from each one.

Each of our Healers works slightly differently.  However, what is common to all is that they are a channel for the Healing energies from the Spirit World to work through.  Some Healers may simply put their hands on your shoulders - if this is NOT okay please let them know - the healing energies always go to where they are needed.  Some Healers prefer to work around the body - usually the hands are placed on the shoulders, head, arms and perhaps knees.  Some Healers lay their hands directly onto the body and others work aurically which is when the hands are placed within a few inches of the body.  When they are finished they will either rub your shoulders or draw a line with their fingers across the top of your back.  It's always a good idea to drink some water afterwards as this enables the healing to flow through your body.

During the Healing it is helpful to close your eyes because it helps to minimise distractions of what is going on around you but if this feels uncomfortable keep your eyes open.  You may feel a variety of sensations such as tingling, heat or cold.  You may see images and colours within your mind or you may feel nothing - don't worry because you will be getting what you need.

We never offer a 'cure' because all Healing is subject to higher forces outside ourselves.  However, most people tend to feel very relaxed afterwards and sleep well.  You don't need to believe in god for the Healing to be beneficial but an open mind always helps it to be aborbed more easily.

If this is something you would be interested in persuing, please come to the Centre, meet our Healing team and talk to a committee member.